The frets on the subject American made Steinberger GM-7TA model have been dressed too low. There isn't enough "meat" or height on the frets to play comfortably especially when bending strings. A re-fret is in order and the owner of the instrument chose to go with my preferred and highly recommended fretwire, which is similar to the popular Dunlop 6105 fretwire. The fretwire I use is 0.010" narrower than the 6105s.

The subject neck is made from solid graphite and non-adjustable. The frets were glued down to the fingerboard and special care was taken to heat the frets before removing them. The frets are removed with minimal chipping. You can see traces of the residual glue along the fret slots.
With the frets removed, the neck still has a slight backbow or convex profile. This is critical, as this will compensate against the neck relief when the neck is strung to pitch. The neck had about a .018" when the guitar was first brought to my attention. This is a bit too much in my humble opinion. I would like to see a relief of about .005" or less which is what I prefer on all necks regardless of the instrument when we're done. The fingerboard is carefully sanded to maintain the backbow or rather increase the backbow or convex profile of the neck to what I deem is optimal. With that done, we’re ready to fret.

The frets are seated, dressed, filed flush, and beveled.

After the neck is buffed, it's string up time and guess what? The relief is about .002". The neck is literally dead straight! Thank God!!!
The guitar is set up and all ready to go.